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Information on the accused

Harald Glöde was one of the persons, who started the Forschungsgesellschaft für Flucht und Migration (FFM) (= Research Society on Flight and Migration) in 1994. The FFM got known mainly by their critical investigations and by their publications about the consequences of the "Fortress Europe" for the refugees in the border region and in the Middle and East European countries as well. During the meanwhile five years FFM, Harald had an important part in the research work and public relations. For example he took part in building the documentation office "Violation of Human Rights". He investigated the attempt of the inclusion of parts of the society in the exclusion of refugees and migrants forced by the government by convictions of taxi drivers on the Eastern border of Germany. Lately, he took part in the observation of a trial in Cottbus. There, young Nazis, who hounded an Algerian refugee to death in Guben in 1999, are in the dock. The arrest of Harald makes a big gap not only into the FFM, with its anyhow difficult personnel situation, but also into other networks, which support refugees, like the Flüchtlingsrat (Council of Refugees) of Brandenburg, where Harald also was a member.

Axel Haug is in closely connected with the Mehringhof, since the project was started. Before he took up his job as a caretaker, he was a member of the pub collective "Spectrum", which he started together with other people. The legendary "Specci" was one of the first Berlin Scene pubs, which was run collectively and moved into the Mehringhof building 1980 together with the first projects. The "Specci" was a place, where political functions, solidarity concerts and parties to the most different subjects were carried through regularly. After the collective parted, the profit was put into a school building project in Nicaragua and into a soap manufactory of Salvadorian refugee women. In the end of the 1980th Axel helped with the building of a municipal radio in Southern Nicaragua. Until he was arrested, he was an active member of the "Action group against a final stroke", which was started in Berlin in connection with the planned memorial for the murdered European Jews. The action group turns against a possible function of the Holocaust memorial as historical final stroke under the German past, as a symbol of a completed history. Axel, like many of us, belongs to a generation, who decided to go into politics by the analysis of the crimes of the National Socialism.

Sabine Eckle is a gallery owner in Frankfurt/Main.

Matthias Borgmann was the head of the "Akademisches Auslandsamt (= Academic Foreign Department) of the Technical University of Berlin and was the representative of the union ÖTV in the board of trustees of the TU Berlin. After his arrest Matthias Borgmann was dismissed without notices.

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